How are developments in the digital world creating opportunities to radically transform the way we think about design? Through a series of Pecha Kucha style presentations Atkins multi-disciplinary specialists will introduce five examples of how the digital can benefit the physical. These examples are real projects that are helping to shape buildings, places and communities as well as improving citizens’ understanding through the democratisation of data.
The speakers include architects, environmental design researchers, data scientists, landscape and urban designers. These snappy thought-provoking talks will be followed by a panel discussion to debate how we can use digital tools and services to think more carefully about the physical environment of our cities.
Speakers include Ali Mowahed (Director Stations & TOD), Avgousta Stanitsa (Environmental Design Researcher), Neil Manthorpe (Associate Director Landscape and Urban Design), Ruth Hynes (Senior Design Researcher), Dr Paul Goodship (Data Scientist), and Will Squires, (Technical Director)
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