A screen in the VAM displays a movie that takes viewers through the ‘Together we Care installation’. More than 100 people participated in this installation. Refugee and non-refugee families, students and professionals from different countries made dolls’ houses that tell their stories of home, community and belonging. All boxes are linked with ropes and ramps and ladders to show that people cannot Walk Alone and that ‘Together we Care’. The project aims to explore the meaning of home and community after a year of COVID19 restrictions and the isolation these caused, while highlighting the experience of being a refugee in an attempt to create solidarity and understanding across the political and socio- economic divide. The installation is in collaboration with Oxfam and part of Refugee week and London Festival of Architecture.
Tickets/Booking: Tickets / Admission:
Tickets/Booking: https://www.vam.ac.uk/exhibitions/book-free-timed-entry
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