The exhibition and book launch for Inventive Vents: A gazetteer of London’s ventilation shafts focuses on the weird and wonderful ventilation shafts on London’s streets.
Times are: Thursday 1st July 4.30 - 6.30 Friday 2nd July 8.30 - 5.00.
The project was led by Our Hut and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which aims to broaden understanding and appreciation of London’s below ground workings – transport, services and sewerage and the need for ventilation.
The exhibition will focus on vents by eminent architects or artists such as Thomas Heatherwick’s cooling vents for an electricity substation in Paternoster Square and Eduardo Paolozzi’s cast metal vent sculpture in Pimlico and those less known or anonymous designers, for example, the 109 Lambeth road vent and the ‘Camberwell Submarine. It will also include a film and creative work by children from primary schools and one secondary school who designed vents for a range of different sites.