What 'object' best represents care and architecture for you?
For the second edition of LFA's 30 Objects in 30 Days, we asked 30 key figures in the industry to nominate an 'object' that they feel best represents this year’s festival theme of ‘care’ and ‘architecture’ and share a video explaining why. Here you can explore all 30 videos.
From a masterplan or building, to a concept or tool, to an idea or invention, the nominated ‘object’ could range in scale and scope. The only condition is that it had to relate in some way to the theme of care and architecture.
We will be releasing one video a day in June, so keep your eyes on this page to see the latest chosen objects!
Website: www.londonfestivalofarchitecture.org
Twitter: @LFArchitecture
Instagram: @londonfestivalofarchitecture