With achieving net zero a key driver across the built environment, how is the industry working together to deliver sustainable outcomes that better care for our buildings, cities and communities?
Recent years have seen a growth in industry-wide collaborations through the creation of tools, targets and resources to help deliver these outcomes. Join Heyne Tillett Steel alongside other leading industry experts for a panel discussion exploring approaches to collaboration and the value of knowledge sharing in the race towards net zero.
Hear from:
Steve Gilchrist - project director, development, Grosvenor Estate
Tim den Dekker - associate, Fielden Clegg Bradley Studios
Laura Batty - senior technical research engineer and HTS+ lead, Heyne Tillett Steel
Alastair Kenyon – partner, Alinea Cost Consultants
Hugh Queenan - associate, Morris + Company
Chaired by Sarah Cary PhD MRTPI, executive director, Place at Enfield Council
In line with government advice on Coronavirus restrictions, the panel is set to take place as a live event at Heyne Tillett Steel’s new office: 16 Chart Street.
If you can't attend the event in person, you can still register to watch via webinar, through following this link https://heynetillettsteel.webinarninja.com/live-webinars/1840108/register
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
Image: Heyne Tillett Steel
16 Chart St, Hoxton, London N1 6DD