The Architecture Bake Off 2021: Against the Architects
The Baker: Ines Bustillo
The Bake: Maggie's West London Centre
"I am Ines Bustillo Martinez; I am 12 years old. Baking has always been my passion but specially decorating. My parents are architects and I thought that doing this project was a great idea to discover new buildings and to bake more cakes! I chose this building because I love the philosophy behind it. It’s a spiral, and in the end, there is the heart. I love the architecture of this building and it was my favourite one. I learned a lot during this challenge. The biggest challenge was to make the roof fly because it was hard to find light ingredients: rice krispies, and to get the right colours of the walls. It was a long process, but I had a lot of fun and discovered new techniques. I really enjoyed recreating Maggie’s west London Centre and discovered with it one of the greatest British architects, Richard Rogers."