During the pandemic London’s Architectural Practices have been forced to drastically alter their studio culture. For some this has led to feelings of disconnection, for others a better work life balance.
Through an evening of talks we investigate new ways of working that could be here to stay, examine how architectural employees are caring for staff wellbeing and offer some practical techniques to stay happy and balanced at work.
Our speakers include:
Emily Watts – EA / Director of Administration at Grimshaw
Julie Bramsdon – HR Manager, Assael Architecture
Chris Kennedy – Director, Kennedy Woods Architecture
Carl Turner - Director, Turner Works
Plus a relaxing breathing exercise session by Ben Channon Director, Ekkist Advisory
Tickets/Booking: Tickets / Admission: £5 Non RIBA Members
Tickets/Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/riba-london-lfa-talk-series-caring-for-the-professions-wellbeing-tickets-152856428693
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