The Architecture Bake Off 2021: Against the Architects
The Baker: Karen Bryant
The Bake: Maggie's West London Centre
"I’ve chosen Maggie’s because I live in Hammersmith - I feel connected to it and to me it speaks best to this year’s LFA theme of CARE. I love that all the Maggie’s Centres have a blueprint for how good design can improve the lives of the people who are using them. Specifically for this Maggie’s, the way the building uses the site (which is in a god awful position) to create a real haven for cancer patients is truly remarkable. Dan Pearson’s landscaping is genius. I did a site visit, had 3 different options for a roof structure, made diagrams… then I messed it up by dropping the roof! It doesn’t look great for the time it took! My son takes credit for the lego trees!"